Sunday, May 20, 2012

Turkey Vultures

Yellow Warbler preening

Look closely and you'll find the Palm Warbler.  

The birding on Kelly's Island wasn't the most spectacular we've ever had, but it was an adventure and every bird we worked for was a gift!  Baltimore Orioles and Yellow Warblers were in great abundance!  We were able to see a few other warbling migrants as well.  I have to say my favorite sighting may have been this guy...

I can hear you all saying, "Eeeeeewwwwwwww!!"  Come on!  They are majestic in flight, they have a keen sense of smell and they like to huddle together...okay around road kill!   Think how much they do to keep our roadways and countrysides clean and healthy.  They really are a pretty awesome bird.  I only got the picture of one of these "beauties", but on a lower ledge there were several of them.  We were within twenty feet of them.  Some in our party felt a bit uneasy and we tried to give them wide berth as we passed by.

The area we passed through was part of the North Quarry on Kelley's Island.  It was a very desolate lonely section of the island.  It made me feel as though I was exploring a new planet with my crew from the Star Trek Enterprise.  I wish Scotty could have beamed us out of there because it was a loonng boring trek through an area with very few birds!  Here are some of the highlights we saw, though...
We would have to go across this to get back to our point of entry!

Nice fossil remains

Beautiful wildflowers!
We were pretty tired and weary after this long and grueling adventure so this looked pretty good to us when we got back "home"!

I'd rather be birding,

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I'm thinking a lot about metamorphosis tonight.  It has been a long day and quite honestly, I'm ready to curl up in a cocoon and hope and pray I turn into a butterfly tomorrow.  I said goodbye to a dear friend today.  He was too young to die.  Fifty-two years young with a family is just too young. My husband's cousin was something special. I mean really special!  I'm not the only one to know this...The church was standing room only! I feel blessed and privileged to have known this extraordinary caterpillar!  I was able to camp, party, laugh, and play with an amazing person who packed as much living into everyday as he possibly could.  The world will be a sadder place without him, but Heaven will seem much more like a party knowing that he is there!  He has shed his earthly cocoon, spread his wings and tonight he runs without growing tired and soars not on butterfly wings, but wings of an eagle.  Rest in peace, Andy.  You will be missed.

For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I have been known. 1 Corinthians 13:12

Red Admiral?
So here are pictures of butterflies I saw while on Kelly's Island last weekend.  Each was beautiful and amazing.  I have no clue what kind some of them are.  I find each thing with wings amazing and beautiful to behold.  I praise God that He has given us such a great illustration of the transformation that we have in Him.  We're caterpillars now, but one day...
I have know idea what kind of butterfly this is...or what kind I'll turn into!  I just
know it is beautiful!
When I walked out of the funeral today, a bird hit the window of the church door.  A young man picked it up and cradled it in his hands.  It stayed nestling in his touch while I watched.  The bird was an Ovenbird.  Even when I was standing sad and mourning I was able to see the beauty of God's creation in this gorgeous bird.  It rested for quite some time before it took flight.  Rest in God's everlasting arms and then...Take flight!

I'd rather be birding,

Monday, May 14, 2012

Big Weekend Part I

Each year my sisters and I go on a weekend to do nothing but look for and list all the birds we see or hear.  We always choose a month in May when migration should be at its peak.  Most years we see great birds and every year we reconnect with each other and share memories of growing up together with the best parents in the whole wide world!  I do love birds, but I love laughing and family even more!  Adding all those things together in one weekend equals pure joy!

Some years we have met in Muskegon Michigan where we travel to the Wastwater facility known worldwide for its great birding. Muskegon was the starting point for my "Big Weekend"! I knew that this year was going to be a good one when I looked out the window and saw this beauty...

I hope he stays around for a while!  I pointed out a tree to this bird that has a perfect cavity for a nest.  Sadly, Starlings have taken over many nesting sites of these beautiful birds so they have become a rare sight.
 I do think the Red-Headed Woodpecker is the most striking woodpecker of all.
I can't begin to tell you how hard it was to leave my backyard when I looked out the window and saw an Eastern Towhee, Catbird and Northern Oriole right there.  I would soon find it was worth it to travel to Grand Rapids then Ann Arbor and finally to Kelly's Island in Lake Erie for great times with sisters and birds.

Kelly's Island is a spot in Lake Erie. To reach the Island you must take a ferry.  It is the largest Island on Lake Erie.  It is filled with history, trails for hiking and roads for biking.  One of my favorite signs on the island is this one...

There are many housing options available.  My sister is a pro at finding us great places to sleep and play.  This house was no exception.  There were enough beds to house several families...Three bedrooms each with at least three beds.  A full kitchen, deck and fire pit were there for us to enjoy.  
We spent much time out on this deck...eating, laughing and birding!  Orioles,  Downy
woodpeckers, Great-Crested Flycatchers and Indigo Buntings entertained us as we enjoyed our
evening appetizers! 

Spacious rooms with plenty of light and views, this was a good stay!

Though we never gathered around the campfire we liked knowing that we could!
With all the comforts of home to return to we were able to enjoy our walks into the wooded wonderland of this beautiful island. The first hike we took was to the glacial grooves now protected by fencing.  It's free and has many plaques giving even more information about their formation and about the history of the island.  Sorry, I mostly looked for birds!

Catalpa Tree

I would love to go back to this island with my family.  It is peaceful, beautiful and when I was there, quiet!  You really feel like you are stepping back or away from time!  Come back soon and see what other beautiful sights I saw on Kelly's Island.

I'd rather be birding,

Monday, May 7, 2012

One Thing Leads to Another or Part 2

I remember talking to an old time birder....Anyone older than I am...who said that one thing leads to another.  You start out liking birds and pretty soon you start noticing trees and then you start noticing wildflowers and then....You get the idea!  So when I took my family back to Bald Mountain Recreation Area I knew I probably wouldn't see too many birds, so I spent more time looking at the flora. It was later in the day and the gunfire was a little bit disconcerting!  These signs made me feel so much better...
They may have made me feel better, but the constant bang, bang, bang had my youngest family member a bit concerned.  My husband came to the rescue, again. We got to a tree that had fallen across the path, and  that some thought would be impossible to get around. My husband took the one who happens to be tic sh,y for good reasons, and headed back the other way!  We were walking on a looping trail, so he and my youngest planned on meeting up with us later.

It didn't take long to get around the obstacle, and just beyond it this is what we found. Shhhh this is top secret, but you can go pick them because we didn't!

Yes these are Morel Mushrooms!!
On down the path we went, seeing hawks and my first ever Wood Duck!  I was able to spot the Wood Ducks with my binoculars, but not with my camera, so you'll have to take my word for it! There were areas of where I was glad I had on my waterproof hikers!
The May Apples were in full bloom.  The Trillium seem untouched by deer and, aside from constant gunshots, the place was magical.  Maybe it was just being with my family that made the afternoon so pleasant. It was a glorious beautiful Sunday!  I hated to spend four hours in the car to go back home. I'd rather stayed birding!!
I think this might be a Coopers Hawk, but I'm not sure.  Hawks can be so tricky!

I'm thinking it won't be long until Cuckoos show up to get these guys!

Trillium used to grow in greater abundance around here!  Deer really like it.

Some critter tracks

Friday, May 4, 2012

Bald Mountain State Recreation Area

I'm so glad my relatives plan their weddings close to great spots to bird!  After having spent a wonderful time with my siblings and their spouses, I awoke early in the morning singing,
"Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird"
That's as far as I got.  I hadn't thought about birds in the last twelve hours and here I was at Bald Mountain State Recreation Area.  The description from their web-site states:
"Bald Mountain Recreation Area has some of the steepest hills and most rugged terrain in southeastern Michigan. Camping is limited to rustic cabins, but the extensive trails, inland lakes, trout streams and wild game provide recreation opportunities all year long."  What I read between the lines was..."You have the chance to see spring migrants passing through in the spring!"
Follow the light!

Everything was covered in frost.

The dirt road that I traveled on Sunday morning was rugged.  I had to sneak quietly out of my hotel room at 7:00 so I didn't wake any of the non-birders.    Black birds with red wings were in many of the trees and tall grasses that covered the wetland area I walked beside.  It was a frosty 32 degrees when I set out, so I didn't expect to see to much.  I heard Yellow Warblers,   House Wrens and a Common Yellow-throat.   As I traveled down the road   I had plenty of time to reflect on the beauty of creation.  I enjoyed the peaceful solitude that I rarely get.  I'm usually so busy with trying to stay ahead of the race that I was thankful for the opportunity to be still and know!  Know that God provides these rare opportunities to relax, refresh and renew.
This was one happy Towhee.  He was so much fun to watch singing!

My first Grosbeak of the year.  They take my breath away!

This Field Sparrow was singing away, too!

As I walked along the road I was suddenly surprised by a place to park cars and trails that led through the woods.  I heard birds calling my name and I had to go talk to them.  A Field Sparrow sat atop a tree singing the sun up.  Then an Eastern Towhee asked me if I'd like some tea.  Finally I was rewarded with the song of the Rose Breasted Grosbeak.  I suddenly decided that this would be a place my family would love to explore later!  With my fingers frozen stiff, I headed back for another cup of coffee and more fun times with my family around the breakfast table.  After breakfast it was time to pack up and go, but I'd rather be birding!  (Part 2 will conclude this adventure!)