Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Encore! Encore!

Can you find him?  Look at that gorgeous eye!

Thanks to the Brown Thrasher, Thrasher, I have accomplished very little in days, days.  The Thrasher usually sings each phrase twice, twice!  I was happy to hear him join the orchestra and when I dashed across the street to find him, I was thrilled to hear his friend singing in the next yard.  I first heard him late in the evening as the sun went down on Saturday.  I saw him a couple times and hoped that at better light on Sunday I could snap a few pictures.
The Brown Thrasher and I have a long history.  His song has always led me deeper and deeper into the woods and many a quick birding trip has turned into a marathon of stalking this gorgeous friend.  His warm cinnamon brown feathers are beautifully accented by his buffy streaked breast.  His bright eyes are sparkling with good humor!  Seeing him scratch and thrash through the leaves and debris is certainly worth the chase!  He is definitely a treasure worth seeking.

My first chance at getting a picture of him in my very own backyard was filled with fumbling and accidently changing camera settings and then accidently turning off the camera.GRrrrr!  In my excitement I usually get a little shaky when Im trying to aim and shoot, so I lost him.
These guys are on their way further north to nest.

These birds are everywhere right now.

For two hours I sat on the cold damp ground waiting for him to appear.  Waiting for that perfect shot.  For two hours I took picture after picture of White-Throated Sparrows, but the Thrasher would not make an encore performance.  I tried my usual trick of telling him he was just a common bird and I didn’t care if I saw him or not.It didnt work.  I finally gave up in disgust and headed in to work on my never ending pile of laundry.

Today I decided to see what was happening in my new backyard.  I hope that I get the same variety of birds at our new place.  I don’t think I’ll be disappointed.  First the Winter Wren made an appearance.  I’m pretty sure that was the Wren visiting.  He was silent today, but a week ago I could tell by his song he was not a House Wren.  What a gorgeous voice he has.  A hawk flew by on his way somewhere and even he didn’t quiet the constant singing of those White-Throats!  I would guess Northern Harrier by his flight pattern directly through the woods and by his white rump!  Then Hermit Thrush showed up with his constant flicking tail.  Finally who should appear when I least expected him?  Yep!  My Brown Thrasher. 
He blends in so well with those leaves.

After this one flew away another flew in
to replace him.

This is the start of a great migration season, season!

Off to work on my other blog, but I’d rather be birding!


  1. Oh master birder, one day we will have to go birding together. I'm a casual birder, but would LOVE to learn more, and I love your enthusiasm for these creatures!

  2. I think the brown thrasher is what we are seeing a lot of lately. I am going to have to have my camera more ready. The ony bird I am poitive is around here right now are mocking birds. They are everywhere.

    1. I love mockingbirds. We don't get any in Michigan. That's probably my favorite thing about traveling south...The mockingbirds!
