Friday, May 4, 2012

Bald Mountain State Recreation Area

I'm so glad my relatives plan their weddings close to great spots to bird!  After having spent a wonderful time with my siblings and their spouses, I awoke early in the morning singing,
"Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird"
That's as far as I got.  I hadn't thought about birds in the last twelve hours and here I was at Bald Mountain State Recreation Area.  The description from their web-site states:
"Bald Mountain Recreation Area has some of the steepest hills and most rugged terrain in southeastern Michigan. Camping is limited to rustic cabins, but the extensive trails, inland lakes, trout streams and wild game provide recreation opportunities all year long."  What I read between the lines was..."You have the chance to see spring migrants passing through in the spring!"
Follow the light!

Everything was covered in frost.

The dirt road that I traveled on Sunday morning was rugged.  I had to sneak quietly out of my hotel room at 7:00 so I didn't wake any of the non-birders.    Black birds with red wings were in many of the trees and tall grasses that covered the wetland area I walked beside.  It was a frosty 32 degrees when I set out, so I didn't expect to see to much.  I heard Yellow Warblers,   House Wrens and a Common Yellow-throat.   As I traveled down the road   I had plenty of time to reflect on the beauty of creation.  I enjoyed the peaceful solitude that I rarely get.  I'm usually so busy with trying to stay ahead of the race that I was thankful for the opportunity to be still and know!  Know that God provides these rare opportunities to relax, refresh and renew.
This was one happy Towhee.  He was so much fun to watch singing!

My first Grosbeak of the year.  They take my breath away!

This Field Sparrow was singing away, too!

As I walked along the road I was suddenly surprised by a place to park cars and trails that led through the woods.  I heard birds calling my name and I had to go talk to them.  A Field Sparrow sat atop a tree singing the sun up.  Then an Eastern Towhee asked me if I'd like some tea.  Finally I was rewarded with the song of the Rose Breasted Grosbeak.  I suddenly decided that this would be a place my family would love to explore later!  With my fingers frozen stiff, I headed back for another cup of coffee and more fun times with my family around the breakfast table.  After breakfast it was time to pack up and go, but I'd rather be birding!  (Part 2 will conclude this adventure!)


  1. I am SO jealous! I've never seen an Eastern Towhee (that I know of) or a Rose Breasted Grosbeak! I have seen the Field Sparrow though. Plenty of them in the back yard. I did see a couple of black birds w/ red wings the other day, but couldn't catch a pic of them. ONE day I will have an opportunity to learn at your feet, oh master birder!


  2. I espied you driving back that way after checkout on Sunday morning! Did I espy the Plantholts doing the same a few minutes later?

    1. The only people we saw on the trail were runners and ourselves! The gunshots were a little disturbing, but I'll tell you about that later!
