Saturday, March 31, 2012


Me and a couple of my four sisters...Somebody had to take the picture!  The man on the left is my husband not my sister!
This will be a short post, but very important!  I am about to reveal my favorite photo ever....Well so far....Well of more than just a bird!  I took this picture while with some of the MOST amazing and important people in my life....My sisters!  Yep!  I love them....All of them....Even the one who was not with us on this trip!  I have been blessed with some amazing people in my life, but none have given me encouragement and love like my sisters.  They've seen me ugly, sick, delirious and too skinny, but always loved me.  Always encouraged me.  I can't paint a picture with words that describes the incredible love of a sister.

Each year we sisters go on a birding trip in the spring.  In an area predominately dominated by men, we sisters go boldly, laughingly, joyfully to share wonderful times and make new memories and friends!  One friend we jokingly refer to as "Frenchy".  He is holding this Yellow Breasted Chat right after it was banded.  He spoke very little English, but had quite a good handle on French!  I must admit he was quite . . .Handsome, too!  Ready for the picture?  Here it is....

You are right....I love both of these pictures of the same bird!  

But this is my favorite!  Doesn't it look like they are chatting to each other?
Somewhere in Essex County Ontario, Canada...A great place to bird, but I can't remember the name of the place.  Sisters, help me out!
Photo Challenge!

This year will be better than ever.  We are planning our trip to Kelly's Island.  The last two years have been to Point Pelee in Canada.  Each year we have said that it couldn't be worse birding than this!  We are hopeful that it will be an excellent year and will not involve any breaking and entering....Inside joke!
Time to call it quits, but I'd rather be birding!



  1. WOW! Love the pics, but love the words as well. Think I might love your sisters, too . . .


  2. Joy...You'd fit right in! Have you ever been to Kelly's Island?

  3. Replies
    1. I couldn't remember the name of the place. Hillman Marsh is right. I knew it was in Essex County Ontario! Thanks for following.

  4. I don't remember seeing either of these pictures, Jen. You are going to have to load up your iPad with last year's Birding pictures so we can review them at this year's Birding.

    I am so blessed to have you as a sister, Jennifer. You are a vibrant, loving and kind woman. It has been awesome to read about what you are doing and thinking almost every day. Thanks for blogging about your life and please keep doing it!

    1. I wish I had an i-Pad....Some day! I can bring my laptop, though. I can hardly wait to spend time with some of my favorite people in the world!!

  5. Oh, and I almost forgot...perhaps you should have said that it looks like they are chatting with each other ;-)

  6. Oh, love the colors on that bird!

    Renonda @ Snickety Things

    1. He was quite a beautiful bird to behold! Thanks for stopping by!
