Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dark Eyed-Junco

My neighbor's house with bird feeder now filled!

Wren house ready willing and able!
I love moving!  It allows you to get rid of the old and not get quite so much new.  I moved my first items across the street today.  A birdbath and a wren house!  It should be a simple move, right?  What could be easier than moving across the street?  I'll let you know when we're all done.  Unfortunately we are in no hurry.  We know it may take a while for our house to sell, so what's the rush.  We just have to unfurnish our new house in order to furnish it.  My mother-in-law passed away in November and we are moving into my husband's childhood home.  I'm really quite excited...It's a beautiful home.

This IS going to be filled with birding. My goal is to blog at least once a week about the birds that I see in my backyard.  Perhaps boring to some, but I hope fun for others!  Please, please, please comment if I make a wrong id or give wrong information!  Most of my birding is done in my backyard, but I am able to go to an exciting location from time to time.  I have to admit around migration time my old backyard was filled with awesome birds and I'm hoping my new one will be, too!

After moving my birdbath and house I filled an old feeder with seed and sat and waited.  I was mostly visited by Dark Eyed Juncos.  This was a fitting bird to see this time of year.  They won't be around much longer as they head north to breed in forests across Canada.  I'll be excited to see them again when summer comes to an end...but let's not go there!  They are silent all winter long, but now there song has made me stop and wonder.
The bird of the day....The Dark Eyed Junco.

I'm thinking a female Hairy Woodpecker, but it's a little tricky to tell!  What do you think?

A nice sign of spring.

Sentinel of the back yard!

I was happy to see these cheerful friends on a trip last summer to the Smoky Mountains!  They nest there, too!  Keep your eyes open to see these sweet little birds that are most likely to hit your windows!


  1. I like how you take pictures of other peoples houses and not yours.

  2. Very funny...It isn't intentional! I'll try to get a shot of my own sometime!

  3. I haven't even heard a blue jay yet. I'm jealous!

    1. Those bad boys are all over my yard! I do enjoy them.

  4. I concur with your Hairy WP ID. The size of his bill relative to his head is what I was looking at.

    I have been loving hearing the juncos sing. They were singing like crazy in my yard on the warmer days. They sound so un-musical. It is pretty quiet out there today...only 40 degrees...brrrr.

    1. It took me the longest time to figure out who was making the joyful noise! They are so quiet all winter long. I know they'll be packing their bags soon and heading north!
