Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve

After spending two hours sitting and waiting at the Secretary of State with my son for an activity that took two minutes and forty-nine seconds, "we" decided to take a little field-trip.  It's amazing how  a teenagers disposition improves with a little treat from Taco Bell!  Of course we wouldn't have been at the Secretary of State's office if said teenager hadn't lost something, but I digress!

Our "field-trip" was one of my favorite spots to go birding, of course.  As you can see we went to ...The Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve!  Wetlands and woodlands cover an area that is easily covered in under an hour. There is a wonderful boardwalk that goes through the wetlands and up to an observation deck overlooking the Muskegon River.

We saw more than I could capture on my camera, of course!  I was happy to see this Phoebe waiting for us as we approached the boardwalk.  He just sat there waiting for us to take his picture!

An early migratory bird who likes to be near water, the Eastern Phoebe is a flycatcher that  wags its tail from perches  that are not too high up!

Other highlights included my first of the year  catbird, belted kingfisher, ruby crowned kinglet and fox pictures....You'll have to take my word for it! It was a beautiful day to be out in the sunshine and fresh air!  My son is a lot of fun and I enjoy spending time with him.  At the end of our time together, we stood looking over a small pond.  We were hoping for one last awesome find to end our day.  I felt something hit my arm.  We noticed ripples in the water from something dropping.  It was then that we looked up and saw the under side of cedar waxwings...What goes in one end comes out the other!  

The turtles were out in full force sunning themselves!

My first attack by cedar waxwing poop!!

I am learning that I have to keep my birding excursions fairly short with my kids.  That way they leave wanting more and when it's time to leave....They'd rather be birding!


  1. I'm jealous - I've never seen a Cedar Waxwing, but I can definitely say I'm okay w/ not being attacked by their poop! Love to watch the turtle sunning on logs - especially when there are a bunch of them. I guess the next time I go to one of our nature preserves I'd best start looking upward; I might actually see some of the birds that way. :-D

  2. I love phoebes. They aren't flashy, but they are still pretty in a subtle way. They sometimes seem curious about people, unlike waterfowl who can't seem to get far enough away from people (who could blame them?!). It is funny that you saw a catbird already. I am down in Virginia this week and was just thinking that I probably won't see catbirds this early, and I haven't. I did hear a mockingbird though! That's always exciting to me, though Joy probably sees them all the time.
