Friday, April 27, 2012

Scarlet Tanagers

The local state park, that we are blessed with, is hosting a photography contest.  I decided that I would enter.  It's limited to ameteurs and I figure I've got nothing to lose.  The subject has to be a bird whose picture is captured in the state of Michigan.  I wish I had more pictures of birds outside of my state, but I  do have plenty of material from my own backyard.

For months the deer knocked my birdbath off the pedestal it sat on. Every morning I would go out and put it back in place.  The antique cement bath is so heavy that I finally decided to save my back and leave it on the ground.  It was one of the best things that has happened for my backyard birding.  I've gotten an incredible mix of birds now coming because of the birdbath ending up on the ground.

After careful consideration I finally decided on a pair of Scarlet Tanagers who I found splashing in my bathtub one day.  The male certainly catches your eye with his bright red coat.  These birds usually stay high up in the canopy, but on this particular day they both decided to come down for a dip.  I've wanted to have these framed for some time.  I've threatened  promised my husband that we can hang them above our bed on the appropriate sides.  Here they are, "my" Scarlet Tanagers...
This bird's beauty takes my breath away!

I especially like the composition of this picture.  I printed it so that
it is flipped and looking at the handsome male!
Dropping them off at the Hoffmaster Nature Center, I was told to go take a look at the competition.  My heart swelled with pride when my daughter said, "Mom, you don't stand a chance!"  You've got to love the honesty of a child.  I have to admit that the "competition" is outstanding.  I also have to admit I didn't feel too shabby either.  It's the first time I've exposed myself to anyone so publicly besides you, my friends!

Here are some pictures my lovely talented daughter took the day we dropped off the photos.  I will never tell her she doesn't stand a chance as she travels down life's road looking for opportunities.  I hope she gets out there and lives her dreams.  I pray she'll always have the joy of learning and discovering new opportunities.  Of course I hope that one day she might join me and say, "I'd rather be birding!"

Ella was smitten by this squirrel.  We don't very
often get these Red Tree Squirrels in our yard.

Photography by Ella!


  1. Wow! Those are great pictures. I bet you win.

  2. I am 1) extremely jealous of the birds you get to see; 2) glad you entered the contest - the pics are beautiful; and 3) pleased to tell you that at least I have plenty of squirrel visitors (red tree ones, too) to my yard! Ella is welcome to come down to see what it's like when they're ALWAYS around. I still can't make up my mind if I love them or hate them (it's sometimes both within the span of a few minutes).

  3. Wow! That's my reaction every time I see a scarlet tanager. The red is other worldly. It is funny that they can be so tricky to spot in the forest. You would think you would see them from miles away! I love your idea of hanging the pictures above your bed.

    Have you ever been to a public place where there are "creative" pictures on bathroom doors which are supposed to indicate which are men's and which are women's? I am thinking scarlet tanager pictures could be fun to use for bathrooms at a birding hotspot :-)
